Go, Make Disciples
Since 1896 the people who are First English Lutheran Church have been making disciples. We are proud of our heritage and we thank God for the Saints who have gone before us, passing on to us this heritage of faith and this excellent facility. While we do have a very strong and committed history, we are very much aware that none of us can live in the past — we live in the present and look ahead to that which lies before us. Thus we are fully aware of the ongoing ministry and challenges which our Lord continually gives to his people. However, most of all, we have received so very much from our Lord and Savior, Jesus the Christ. He is the one who loved us and loves us with such a great love that he was willing to offer himself for us upon the cross granting us forgiveness, salvation and newness of life. Our commitment is to Him and to that ministry which our Lord has entrusted to His Church. That ministry centers around our Lord’s clarion call to “Go, Make Disciples.” We are called upon by our Lord to reach out, in word and deed, with that Good News of God's redeeming in Christ our Lord. We are to grow as disciples, as followers of Christ, in our own lives of love and service, and to share that Gospel that all might truly know God’s great love and mercy for their lives. The church is people, and may we. the people of First English, as we move into our 117th year of ministry, continually strive to be our Lord’s good and faithful servants.

First English has come a long way in the last 125 years. Our congregation has grown, changed, and even stood resilient in the face of adversity. But the one thing that has remained consistent is our never-failing mission to God, who has supported and guided the congregation of First English in our mission to “go, make disciples”.
- June 12, 1896 Rev. William H. Price became pastor
- May 9, 1897 Dedication of new chapel at Mt Elliott and Pulford Ave
- January 9, 1910 Rev. E.C. Billings installed as senior pastor
- January 16, 1910 Dedication of new church building at Mt Elliott and Pulford Ave
- November 5, 1933 Rev. Walter O. Hauck installed as senior pastor
- November 30, 1952 Rev. Paul F. Keppler installed as senior pastor
- December 15, 1957 Dedication of new church building at 800 Vernier Rd
- January 12, 1964 Dedication of Christian Education Building expansion
- February 12, 1989 Rev. Walter A. Schmidt installed as senior pastor
- September 19, 2004 Dedication of Luther Center gym expansion
- September 27, 2015 Rev. Sean R. Motley installed as senior pastor
- October 15, 2021 The 125th Anniversary Celebration

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