Ready to visit first english church?

Here's what to expect...
When you arrive at First English you will enter a place that will welcome you to join with followers of Christ in worship, fellowship and service. Whether you attend worship at 9:30 AM or 11:00 AM, there is always a place for you. Yet, you might be wondering...When I come to worship what should I wear or where do I park or what do I do when I arrive? We can answer those questions!
What should I wear?
Clothing. It’s that simple. Maybe you would like to wear a three-piece suit or a formal dress or maybe shorts and a t-shirt. Any of these options are fine. If you come to worship in a polo shirt and khakis, a blouse and slacks, a sweatshirt and athletic shorts, you will be welcomed and will hear the gospel of Jesus Christ proclaimed.

Where do I park?
The parking lot, accessible from Vernier Road or Wedgewood Drive, is on the North side of the building. You will enter the building through the glass doors. There are handicap parking spots if needed and an automated door as well.

Now what do I do?
Once inside, you will find yourself in the Lobby. To access the worship space, look to your right to go up to the next level. You may use either the elevator (push "3") or the stairs.
You will walk down a fairly long hallway. You will pass the Lounge on your left (where special treats and great conversation await after worship), the Nursery on your right (where little ones may gather before or after worship), and the Church Office. At the end of the hallway, you will find the Sanctuary, your place to worship.
What is worship like at 9:30 AM?
Our 9:30 AM worship service calls us together to hear the Word, pray, sing with music led by our worship band, and be fed through Holy Communion. During worship, children will have the opportunity to participate in a children’s message and Spark Church to learn more about God’s love for them. You may learn more about Spark Church here.

What is worship like at 11:00 AM?
Our 11:00 AM worship service is a traditional Lutheran liturgical service with sung responses, Scripture, prayer and the celebration of Holy Communion. Our music director leads the liturgy and hymn singing with our beautiful organ and you may also hear the gospel proclaimed through our lyric or bell choir.
What about worship at 10:00 AM?
Sometimes, due to special celebrations, we switch up our worship time to 10:00 AM on Sunday morning. We continue to hear the Word, sing God’s praises, pray, have the Children's Message and Spark Church, and celebrate communion. We bring everyone together at one worship service so we can share in a greater fellowship before, during and after worship. There are numerous reminders and signage in advance of worship, so all are made aware of the time change.
Worship ended...Now what?
After worship, gather in the Lounge for Coffee Hour. Be prepared to meet people who are happy to meet you. You may be approached by young people, older people, people in suits, dresses or even in tracksuits who want to welcome you, answer questions, or simply share the love of God with you. They will also invite you to join them in sharing some time talking, relaxing and enjoying something to drink and a donut (or two!).

Visit more of our beautiful church
Lower Level & Basement

Our Youth Room ~ Visit our Youth Page
Fourth Floor

Welcome to our Art Room

Art Room

Conference Room